My school has a ______ (i can't think of a proper term) drama program.
I trust that my drama teacher is not reading this.
That would not be good.
I really do think my drama teacher is a sweetheart. She is a little crazy but sweet. She has good intentions.
good intentions...
well, that goes without being said.
I am frustrated with several things.
Every single member of the Fall Production's cast was severely type-casted. She even admits to it herself. On dress rehearsal she was making comments about how "appropriate" some people fit their roles and then said, "well this whole thing was type-casted anyway...*laugh laugh*..." and we all just smiled.
The past two plays, although great plays written by an English teacher at our school, have been drained of all their essential humor because she goes in and removes any word, phrase, or joke that could be considered "suggestive" humor. Now- I'm a self proclaimed prude, and for me to think something is admissible...that's all I'm saying.
I need to get into Governor's School.
I wish the head of admissions would return my call and send me two applications. That would be lovely.
I am worried about finding the perfect monologues. I feel I need to lose more weight before the auditions.
I need to have my teeth filed. Thanks Marilyn for the insecurities.
I need to do so many things.
As for now...
here is a picture...
Bad makeup. The play took place in the 80s. It' s our cast picture from "Breaking News: a tragic-comedy in three acts" by Jackson Lee Byrant.
I'm the one on the far left. In the black. With a make up line.
Ms. Hepburn. Please comment. I need theatrical support.
let's just say, 'top five'. :) love you. are are incredibly talented. i feel sure that you will get in, you have only 1/2 a year to suffer through high school drama, then you're FREE!
-Ms. Hepburn
Hopefully. Thank you for the encouragement.
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