
Mississippi Mission

Last week in Mississippi:

The devastation from Katrina was still very evident and powerful. The town of Bay St. Louis was flooded with PTSD. The children were poster-children of the storm, without shoes, without concern. The people were kind. The group I went with was full of amazing people. I met several amazing people. It was a lot of work, but also a lot of fun and encouragement. I'd like to intern there possibly in the social work field next Summer.

A little video:

love, jessieh


**KoreanRain** said...

Sorry, wouldn't load. Have to watch it some other time :(


The Speaker said...

This is stupid. Your firewalls are DUMB! I guess we will have to watch it at Aunt Pam's or something.

lindaz said...

How many did you eat Jessieh? Love, Vivian :)

The Speaker said...

Zero. I don't eat things that look like they should be eating me.