
Sexual Violence. Meet Society. Again.

WARNING: This post will be bias and slightly sexist and will offend. I do not apologize.

South Carolina's newspaper, "The State" featured an article regarding yesterday's events with the Duke rape case. The first sentence went as follows:

"The accused members of the Duke Lacrosse team have had their lives stolen from them."

Dear "THE STATE": Don't feed me that crap. Don't feed the already brain-washed citizens of South Carolina that crap. Their lives have not been stolen. They haven't suffered anything, especially when you look at the amount of crap the alleged the victim has had to put up with. No one has called these alleged rapists "Rapist" from the beginning but somehow the alleged victim has been called "Liar!" all along. Please explain to me, writers of "The State", what exactly it is that has been stolen from the members of the Duke Lacrosse team? Even hypothetically, speaking, meaning "if" they were to be (for some reason actually) innocent (which I don't believe) what physical damage has this done to them? Did showing up at their attorney's office mean missing a Saturday Practice? What about the psychological trauma? Did the jokes in the locker room get too tough?- Now compare that hypothetical "trauma" to what has been stolen from the (hypothetically speaking) victim? With everyone already assuming the players are innocent, the boys are right back to being boys and doing "boy things" like drinking and partying and ordering strippers and raping women and getting away with it. Rape victims's have their lives, as they knew them before the rape, stolen from them and stuggle to regain balance afterward. Cancer patients have their lives stolen from them, and often get sicker with their attempt to save it. Murder victims have their lives stolen from them. Accused rapists, do not.

love, jessieh


The Speaker said...

Patrick, They have suffered no more than the allegded victim.

Eden said...

why did you delete that comment? Tell me next time we see each other or if you can tell me on here thats fine too.

Anonymous said...

Just because someone disagrees with you is no reason to delete their comments.

Also, in the end, the Duke case was dismissed...wonder how you feel about this now.