The following story made breaking news today while I was out struggling to find shoes for the prom I am dreading in a size 9.5. I have recently decided that not only does the fashion industry have their hearts set on selling skirts with less than 3 inches of fabric to my pubescent sibling but they also have no comprehension of it being one of the many reasons why 1 out of every 4 girls in this country now has an STD. I also realized today that I must lose 30 pounds in order to be able to fit into a a pair of jeans. There was ONE size 12 pair of pants in the ENTIRE store today and the store was not small. They had plenty of sizes 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, and even 9. May I state for the record: WHEN I WAS BARELY 100 POUNDS, THE SMALLEST SIZE I COULD FIT INTO WAS A SIZE 8. A SIZE 8 AT BARELY ONE HUNDRED POUNDS. Needless to say I am a little frustrated with the fashion industry's desire to have my hips and my feet fit into something a size 5, 6, or 7. And what is with cutting out the toe on a pair of pumps. That is just ugly. The average foot is not a pretty one. The average woman's body is not a size 7, it is a size 14. Perhaps the money spent making the piece of crap almost 3 inches of denim to make the horrendous skirts I found everywhere in the teen/junior department could be used to add an extra almost 3 inches to the waist of some of those could-be useful blue jeans-
but what am I complaining for; at least we have the ability to buy a pair of blue jeans. Things could be much worse.
Meanwhile, while I am griping about not being able to find a pair of shoes:
ELDORADO, Texas (CNN) -- Dozens more children and young women were removed Saturday from a Texas ranch that is home to members of a polygamist sect, as state workers investigated claims of physical and sexual abuse.
A total of 183 people -- including 137 children -- have been taken away since law enforcement officers raided the compound Thursday night, said Marleigh Meisner, a spokeswoman for the Texas Child Protective Services Division. The children -- most of them girls -- were being interviewed by special investigators, she said.
"We're trying to find out if they're safe," she explained. "We need to know if they have been abused or neglected." Eighteen of the girls have been taken into state custody. Authorities believe that they "had been abused or were at immediate risk of future abuse," said Child Protective Services spokesman Darrell Azar. The others were taken to a nearby civic center. Meisner described them as doing "remarkably well."
"We're trying to find out if they're safe," she explained. "We need to know if they have been abused or neglected." Eighteen of the girls have been taken into state custody. Authorities believe that they "had been abused or were at immediate risk of future abuse," said Child Protective Services spokesman Darrell Azar. The others were taken to a nearby civic center. Meisner described them as doing "remarkably well."
Read more about it Here.
love, jessieh
PS: I will write more soon.
Thank you for getting the word out there. I appreciate your updates and your heart!
Jenny's Evie J
hmmm...a very perplexing situation. The buildings in this 'compound' the young woman and adult woman have been removed from-are not piece-meal construction. These are very costly constructed buildings. Is it really a 'compound'? After all-ANY LDS church is closed off to non members. Even though-most LDS churches ban polygamy.
I really do not know the story-the history of the story-to comment honestly. I do not know why this is-why so many are being affected by a complaint,which has yet to be substantiated.
Please-I AM NOT defending the pratcice-nor the fact if in fact an older man may have assulted a child...but I've also never been sure about the events that led up to the deaths of 80 plus folks (innocent folks) in another 'church' located in Texas,the Branch Davidian church.
This LDS 'compound' did not go up over night with out the town of San Angelo not had to take several years to construct all that I can see. And money.
So it appears the community accepted these people...they certainly sold them building supplies.
So what concerns me-this group of woman and children are being disrupted from what they have known as right;we may not accept that-however,how right is it to seperate children who have never known anything other than this church of people,and thier own real mothers-and 'remove' them.
We have been misled to believe we are a highly advanced country-surely we can't sit by for several years while a (now titled as a) 'cult' builds out on the horizen of the city limits and then all of a sudden bust them up??
I yearn for the girl they seek-her safety and well being...but also I yearn for an answer why we can feel so free to judge the rest of these people,and children?
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